
Theme 7 - Dam breach, emergency planning & emergency response

Reservoir safety research advisory group (ReSRAG)

Research Theme: Dam breach, emergency planning & incident response

ReSRAG Theme Lead: Mark Morris; Support: Daniel Thompson


Relevant ICOLD committees and UK representatives

Committee D: Concrete Dams – Malcolm Dunstan

Committee E: Embankment Dams – Rod Bridle / Alan Brown

Committee H: Dam Safety – Andy Hughes

Committee L: Tailings Dams and Waste Lagoons – Rafael Monroy

Committee LE: Levees – Jonathan Simm

EWG Management of dam incidents – BDS Chair

EWG Overflowing and overtopping erosion – Mark Morris

Key UK guidance documents
  • Guide to drawdown capacity for reservoir safety and emergency planning - Environment Agency (2017). Report SC130001.
  • Design of reinforced grass waterways. Hewlett H W M, Boorman L A and Bramley M E (1987). Report 116. CIRIA London, 115pp.
  • Reservoir dams: wave conditions, wave overtopping and slab protection. Yarde A J, Banyard L S and Allsop N W H (1996). HR Wallingford Report SR 459, 27pp.
  • Lessons from incidents at dams and reservoirs - an engineering guide (SP167). Charles J A, Tedd P, Warren A L (2014). Report SP167. CIRIA London, 194pp.
UK papers

Refer to the BDS bibliography for all reservoir-related technical papers

Key ICOLD bulletins

B124 - Reservoir Landslides: Investigation and Management ‐ Guidelines and Case Histories (2002)

B121 - Tailings Dams: Risk of Dangerous Occurrences ‐ Lessons Learnt from Practical Experiences (2001)

B111 - Dam Break flood analysis ‐ Review and recommendations (1998)

B099 - Dam Failures ‐ Statistical Analysis (1995)

Relevant BDS evening meetings 
  • The Toddbrook Reservoir Incident and Response (2020)
  • Emergency Response - Haldon Range Dam - Post Earthquake, New Zealand (2016)
  • Lessons from incidents & geotechnical investigations at dams (2015)
  • Waves and wave overtopping on reservoir structures (2010)
  • Update on key reservoir safety initiatives (2009)
  • Post-incident reporting - one year on (2008)
  • Update on research supporting dambreak and flood risk management (2008)
Current UK research To be completed
Recent and current international research To be completed
Key international publications and guides For additional references, refer to ICOLD bulletins.