
ReSRAG Members

List of Current Members

Alan Warren - CHAIR                       Mott MacDonald Representative of the British Dam Society
Chrissy Mitchell - SECRETARY Environment Agency Rep of Joint EA/Defra/NRW/WG FCERM R&D Program 
Tony Deakin Environment Agency Representative of the Environment Agency & R&D Program
Keith Macdonald UU plc Stand-in for Ian Scholefield
Alan Brown Jacobs Member of the All Reservoirs Panel of Engineers 
Daniel Thomson UU plc Representative of reservoir owners (2)
Manousos Valyrakis Glasgow Uni Rep. of academia with an interest in reservoir safety research
Mark Morris HR Wallingford / Samui Rep. of a body with an interest in reservoir safety research
Owen Jenkins CIRIA Co-opted member
Holly Welsby  Defra Representative of Defra
Thomas Kjeldsen  Bath Uni Co-opted member
Newman Booth Yorkshire Water Representative of reservoir owners (1)
Quinton Campbell Infrastructure NI Rep of the N. Ireland Executive or the Department for Infrastructure NI
Elizabeth Bowman Sheffield Uni Co-opted member
Ian Scholefield UU plc Co-opted member
Jess Phoenix Defra Representative of Defra
Andy Hughes Dams & Reservoirs Member of the All Reservoirs Panel of Engineers
Kevin Briggs Bath Uni Rep. of academia with an interest in reservoir safety research
Jonathan McKee Infrastructure NI Rep of the N. Ireland Executive or the Department for Infrastructure NI
Shaun Donnelly Infrastructure NI Rep of the N. Ireland Executive or the Department for Infrastructure NI
Claire Dodd Scottish Gov. Representative of the Scottish Government or SEPA
Wyn Davies Welsh Government Representative of the Welsh Government or NRW