
Theme 6 - Environment, social, safety and welfare

Reservoir safety research advisory group (ReSRAG)

Research Theme: Environment, social, safety and welfare

ReSRAG Theme Lead: Daniel Thompson; Support: Alan Brown


Relevant ICOLD committees and UK representatives

Committee G: Environment – No UK representative

Committee I: Public Safety around Dams – No UK representative

Committee N: Public Awareness and Education – No UK representative

Committee RE: Resettlement due to Reservoirs – Alison Bartle

Key UK guidance documents Public access to open reservoirs (July 2009), Water UK Occasional Guidance Note
UK papers Refer to the BDS bibliography for all reservoir-related technical papers
Key ICOLD bulletins

B167 - Regulation of Dam Safety: An overview of current practice world wide (pre-print)

B130 - Risk Assessment in Dam Safety Management. A Reconnaissance of Benefits. Methods and Current Applications (2005)

B059 - Dam safety ‐ Guidelines (1987)

B029 -  Report from the Committee on Risks to Third Parties from Large Dams (1977)

Relevant BDS evening meetings 
  • BDS Webinar Session 4 - Legacies - Discontinuance or Adaption (2020)
  • Public Safety at UK Reservoirs (2019)
  • Hampstead Heath Reservoir Scheme (2016)
  • The Aswan Dam(s) - Was it a good idea? (2016)
  • Dams for Irrigation: Technical and social considerations for sustainability (2015)
  • Environmental perspectives on the Severn Tidal Power Feasibility Study (2011)
Current UK research To be completed
Recent and current international research To be completed
Key international publications and guides For additional references, refer to ICOLD bulletins