
Welcome to the Education Zone of the BDS website, in this area you will find free to download resources for those interested in learning more about the science that goes in to planning for, designing and constructing dams/ reservoirs and the positive and negative socio-economic and environmental impacts the structures have in the short and longer terms.
The following resources are freely available in this area.
- Curriculum linked lessons and lesson plans for KS3 and A level students with extensions for KS4 students in the below subjects:
- Geography
- Science
- Maths / Physics
- Dams & the World’s Water – An educational book (and accompanying presentation) that explains how dams help to manage the world’s water – produced and published by International Conference on Large Dams (ICOLD).
- Dams & Reservoirs Fact sheet – produced and published by British Dam Society.
- British Dam Society Movie titled “The Dams and Reservoirs Profession”, which provides an introduction to working within in the Dams and Reservoir Industry to inspire the next generation of dam professionals.
Registration to access the education zone is free and painless, but it is required so we are able to monitor which of the available resources are being downloaded, thus enabling us to channel our limited resource into developing materials that are useful.
Photographs were kindly provided by Peter Down and Tracey Williamson.