
EA Announcement

“Reservoir Safety Management Plans – Reservoir Engineer Focus Group Opportunity”

Help us shape our policy on Reservoir Safety Management Plans (RSMP’s) and have your say. If you are on one of the Reservoir Panels and are able to give a couple of hours of your time it would be much appreciated. We are planning two targeted focus groups in early April to build on the great feedback we received from the well attended workshop at last years BDS Conference. Please sign up here if you are interested in volunteering.

This work is part of a policy development project with our consultant Mott Macdonald. As part of these we are also arranging a series of engagement events with a range of reservoir owner groups and regulators from the devolved authorities. The outputs from this project will help feed into a public consultation on wider Reservoir Safety Reform policy and then into legislation. 

The Reservoir Safety Reform Programme is part of a collaboration between the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the Environment Agency, Welsh Government and Natural Resources Wales, to develop and deliver a to address the recommendations set out in the Independent Reservoir Safety Review Report.

Some further background information can be found on the Reservoir Reform Citizen Space webpages:

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