
10th International Conference on Scour and Erosion (ICSE 10) - Call for Abstracts

The conference theme is: understanding of processes and design for protection/mitigation from scour and erosion through integration of hydraulics and geotechnics.

Prospective authors are invited to submit abstracts for papers up to 300 words, which should include the title of the article, name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s), postal and electronic addresses, and at least three keywords. 

To submit your abstract, please fill out the submission form and upload your abstract on the webpage available here

Abstract Submission Due: August 31, 2019 

Notification of Acceptance: September 15, 2019

Manuscripts Due: December 15, 2019

Final Publication-Ready Manuscripts Due: April 30, 2020.

Submissions are invited addressing Scour and Erosion related to the following topics:

Track A: Mechanics of Internal Erosion. Including sub-topics such as:  mechanisms, field studies and observations, theoretical assessment of      internal erosion mechanisms. 
Track B: Sediment transport: grain scale and continuum scale. Including sub-topics such as:advancement in sediment transport theories, tools,      and new data sets for the understanding of sediment particle motion at both grain scale and continuum scale, and the implications for scour. 
Track C: Effects of Geology on Internal Erosion. Including sub-topics such as: anisotropy, heterogeneity, random field analysis, field      investigations versus actual conditions. 
Track D: Rock scour. Including sub-topics such as: theoretical, computational, laboratory, and field studies on rock scour process. Spillway and stilling basin erosion. 
Track E: Erosion and Structures. Including sub-topics such as: bridge scour, internal erosion along structures, erosion around foundations,      physical processes controlling the local scour around structures; interactions among fluid flow, sediment, and structures; new techniques and designs to alter the flow and scour processes. 
Track F: River, coastal, estuarine and marine scour and erosion. Including sub-topics such as: scour and erosion researches and case studies specific for the riverine, coastal, estuarine and marine environments. 
Track G: Numerical modelling of scour and erosion. Including sub-topics such as: advanced computing techniques, numerical schemes,      novel approaches for data assimilation, uncertainty quantification and analysis. Field and laboratory scale.
Track H: Physical modelling of scour and erosion. Including sub-topics such as: scale models, flume tests for internal and surficial erosion,      similitude, centrifuge testing, small and large-scale testing. 
Track I: Erosion monitoring and measurement. Including sub-topics such as: novel sensors and instruments, subsurface monitoring,      underwater monitoring, innovative techniques, interpretation methods and data processing techniques for monitoring and measuring scour and      erosion across spatial and temporal scales. 
Track J: Watershed scale soil erosion, restoration, and conservation. Including  sub-topics such as: technology, management, and policy for the control      of soil erosion at watershed scale including: effect of land use change, riparian buffer constructions to reduce sediment input, reservoir      sedimentation and management. 
Track K: Scour and Erosion countermeasures and mitigation. Including sub-topics such as:applications of both traditional and emerging      countermeasures to scour and internal erosion problems
Track L: Geo-hazards induced by scour and internal erosion. Including sub-topics such as:debris flows, land slide, bank erosion, river      meandering, and their impact to infrastructures. 
Track M: Erosion Risk Assessment. Including sub-topics such as: assessment methods, risk assessment methods, mitigation methods, monitoring. 
Track N: Case Histories, Lessons Learned and General Practice. Including practical aspects and lessons learned on technical topics in Tracks A through K such as success and failures related to: innovative solutions, construction experience, field observations, etc.

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