
2017 Student Paper Competition - Now Open

This competition is open to students in full-time education under 35 years of age

Participants are invited to visit their local dam and write a short paper on their observations. Participants are encouraged to consider issues such as its use (e.g. water supply / hydropower / flood alleviation / amenity) and the importance of the reservoir to the local community. Participants may also wish to consider: construction type; approximate dimensions; key features e.g. spillway, valves, pipework, tower, tunnel; and details such as the catchment and how the reservoir is fed, and how water is released from the reservoir.

There must be only one author per paper.

1st prize: £400 plus paper published in the journal of the British Dam Society “Dams and Reservoirs”

2nd Prize: £200

3rd Prize: £100

For further details please view the Competition Flyer here.

To enter, students will need to submit their papers (between 1,000 and 1,500 words) to the BDS Secretary: 

Closing date for entries is 24th October 2017.


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