

ICOLD Membership

Members of BDS are automatically members of ICOLD, as BDS forms the UK section of the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD).  A number of documents on the ICOLD website are freely available to BDS members, but a registration process is required. To register on the ICOLD website BDS members must first obtain the UK code from the BDS Technical Secretary.  With that code an ICOLD individual login and password will be set up, enabling copies of Proceedings (see below) to be ordered and Technical Bulletins (see below) to be downloaded.

ICOLD bulletins and congress proceedings from 2018 onwards are available free to BDS members on the ICOLD website and can be accessed through the following CRC portal: BDS Members should contact the BDS Technical Secretary for the current login and password information.

ICOLD Congresses and Symposia

ICOLD Congresses are held every three years, when three or four technical questions are selected and debated.  The Proceedings, including the academic communications and the ensuing discussions, can be purchased from the ICOLD website. However, Congress Proceedings that are over 6 years old (i.e. excluding those from the two most recent Congresses) are free on CD-ROM for BDS members, except for shipping costs. In the years between Congresses ICOLD holds Annual Meetings.  To obtain a copy of the Proceedings from the Symposia held at these ICOLD Annual Meetings, BDS Members would need to contact the organising committees from the relevant host country.

ICOLD Technical Bulletins

One of ICOLD’s functions over the years has been to distil best international practice on all aspects of dams.  This is done by 26 Technical Committees drawn from their membership of over 100 countries.  These are then published in the form of Bulletins of which to date ICOLD has published more than 180.

The BDS is represented by a number of its members serving on these committees and a full list of the current UK members serving on ICOLD committees, and current vacancies, can be found here. Representatives are appointed by the BDS Main Committee and are expected to play an active part in ‘their’ Committee and to attend all meetings of that Committee.  The ‘main’ meeting of each Technical Committee is either at the Annual Meeting or during the Congress (which occurs every three years). Representatives are also expected to interact with the Reservoir Safety Research Advisory Ground (ReSRAG).

BDS will pay any Young Professional member of the BDS a maximum of £300 per annum on receipt of a report on any ICOLD event in a form accepted for publication in ‘Dams and Reservoirs’.

The BDS will periodically advise the membership on opportunities for BDS members to express interest in becoming a member of an ICOLD Technical Committee and the supporting information required.

The link to the main ICOLD website is

The link to the ICOLD European Club website is